Why should I quit?
Everyone has their own reason for wanting to quit, here are a few of the most common ones that we hear in the pharmacy.
- I want to improve my health.
- I want to lower the risk of getting a life threatening diseases.
- I would love to be to be fitter and healthier.
- I wish I was a better role model for my children
- I am tired of having no money
- I want better skin and teeth,
- I hate the smell of smoke in my hair and on my clothes.
- I’d love to have a no smoking household especially for my family.
- I hate needing a cigarette to deal with the daily stresses.
Smoking Facts from www.quit.ie
- 1 in every 2 smokers will die of a tobacco related disease
- Most smokers (83%) regret that they ever started smoking and would not smoke if they had the choice again.
- Smoking takes 10 to 15 years quality years off your life.
- Every 6.5 seconds someone in the world dies from tobacco use = 1.5 million people dying needlessly each year.
- Every cigarette a person smokes reduces his/her life by five and a half minutes.
- In Ireland, smoking is the leading cause of avoidable death. Nearly 5.,500 people die in Ireland each year from the effects of smoking and thousands of others are ill because of smoking-related diseases
How do I quit?
There is no ‘quick fix’ to quitting smoking. If you want to give up smoking for good you need to take a closer look at your smoking and understand why you smoke.
What are the effects of smoking on your life and your future – good and bad? You may find that your level of motivation changes from day-to-day depending on your mood and the situations you find yourself in. Changing your attitude to smoking, making the decision to give up, and changing your lifestyle are important to your success. At McFadden’s Pharmacy we are available to help you tailor a plan bested suited to help you achieve your goal. We will help you:
- choose the most suitable products for you to use to help you quit
- give you useful information on how to beat the cravings
- by being here to chat and give you motivation (just in case you slip up)